Deep Seeing
The Deep Seeing meditation uses your breath as a gateway to your essence while helping you to quiet your thoughts. It guides you to a sense of the infinite within, into a timeless state that connects you to the spirit of Oneness and sweet surrender.
Accessing Your Authentic Self
Accessing Your Authentic Self guides you through breathing in such a way that takes you to that place between your thoughts, allowing you to sink into that sense of knowing. This meditation guides you into your true self, your authentic self, trusting all that is around you, engaging your wisdom through that profound space between your thoughts.
Relaxing in the Eye of the Universe
Relaxing in the Eye of the Universe guides you through your senses to relax and suspend all worries by taking you to a safe, private place. As you go deeper into this meditation, a suggestion to place your index finger and thumb together will “anchor” this experience, grounding and reassuring you that you have access to and can return to this safe place at any given moment with ease.
Zeal Point Chakra
Zeal Point Chakra is a meditation that guides you through a visualization that engages all of your senses and leads you to the Zeal Point chakra. At the Zeal Point chakra, your focus will be healing and integrating the unfinished business of the past while expanding your essence via this trans-personal level of conscious awareness.
zzZZ Sleep All Night
zzZZ Sleep All Night is a guided imagery that takes you to a peaceful, relaxing place using all of your senses. You will be guided through a wave of relaxation as you drift off to sleep. In this meditation, there are suggestions to sleep all night and to awake feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and full of energy.